Clare Bosley
Arc and ligament injury
“My mare is recovering from a suspensory ligament acute tear. 10 months later she has been discharged with the vets saying it couldn’t look any better, just a slight thickening. A lot never come sound. She is floating around. I have used the Arc for the whole rehabilitation.”
Fab piece of kit!
“I purchased an ArcEquine kit after my mare suffered a bad DDFT injury earlier this year. She was lame & the only treatment was rest & ‘Bute’ along with remedial shoeing. I did not want to box rest her 24/7 for months on end, mainly for her sanity & my safety, so I opted for stabling all day & turnout at night. From May to October I used the ArcEquine every day and now she is sound without pain relief. I honestly believe the ArcEquine aided her recovery.”
“My 27 year old horse suddenly caught pneumonia and when scanned had 2/3 of his lungs full of fluid. Given his age my vet agreed to treat him at home with very strong antibiotics twice a day. The first day was horrid and my poor horse was in so much pain..... then I decided to put the Arcequine on twice a day as he had his IV antibiotics.... wow what a difference! He went from colicky, not eating, and in a lot of pain after each treatment to sleeping for an hour and then brightening up. A week later his white blood cells are back to normal, he’s bright and mischievous, and I’m feeling a lot more positive about his recovery. I have been using Arcequine for over 5 years on my horses and this is just another example how this is a must for your kit bag. Thank you”
“I bought the arc after hearing about someone using it with great success for a long-standing lameness issue. My horse has had a few knocks over the years and I’ve found that he was often going lame from previous injuries and often uncomfortable and stiff. After using the arc daily for a month I noticed huge changes. He felt incredible when schooled and when taken on the endurance track I felt I had my old horse , pre injury back. Loads of energy and really striding out. So impressed and wish I had heard about it sooner! Friends have ordered theirs after seeing him perform”
Julie Thompson
Arc Equine for hip pain
“I have been using Arc Equine for the last 6 months, and I can honestly say the results have been amazing. I bought it because I had heard lots of great things about it, and I was suffering from severe pain in my left hip at the time, which was getting rapidly worse. I was having trouble sleeping because I couldn't get comfortable, I couldn't bend down to do up my shoes, getting out of bed was very painful. Enter Arc Equine. I followed the guidelines for the human Arc, and started to notice an improvement within two weeks. Over the course of the following 4 weeks, the pain in my hip became less and less. After 6 weeks I was back to normal, leaping out of bed in the morning, no pain in my hip whatsoever. I still use ArcEquine daily on Programme 3, because I don't want the hip pain to come back. I am over the moon with this product. Totally awesome!”
Jude Watts
“Brilliant device. My horse no longer needs cortisone injections”
Sarah-Jane Mortimer
“Absolutely amazing bit of kit. An absolute must for any horse owner. I’ve also used it on myself and my dog!”
Jo V Wilson
“Absolutely first class customer service, and an amazing product that works! I bought an ArcEquine recently to help my horse who has various problems and soundness issues. I've been using this for several weeks now and have noticed significant changes in my horse's mobility, comfort and attitude. He's certainly more relaxed and contented since starting treatment with the ArcEquine, and he is striding out more fluidly and confidently than before. His flexibility is also improved. I had a slight issue with the leg strap shortly after buying and I contacted the company about this. They responded immediately and offered a replacement with no issues at all. Absolutely first class customer service, and an amazing product that works!”
Heather Schirman Gibson
Mare with Bad Heat Cycles
“I usually do not leave reviews but wanted to in case it helps a horse owner in the same situation as I was in. I have a mare who cycles every two and a half weeks. Her cycles were so bad that we weren't able to ride her for four days because all she did was squat. We did blood work, ultrasounds, tried all kinds of herbs, drugs, etc., you name it we did it. I did a ton of research and couldn't find anything more to help her. She cycled throughout the year. About a year and a half ago we were introduced to ArcEquine; not for her cycles but rather to keep her muscles loose between sessions. We were having a specialist do deep tissue massage on her and we were allowed to borrow her Arc to see what we thought. I was skeptical but committed to following the directions to the t. After completing the Arc regime I didn't think I noticed much difference. At that time we decided not to buy the Arc. About three weeks after giving the Arc back our mare came into heat. I had not realized that she had been out of heat for a couple of months. I talked with my vet and he said he was doubtful that she stayed out of heat but that the Arc probably disguised the cycle somehow. I immediately bought my own Arc and use it now on a daily/ every other day basis on both my horses. I have no idea how and why it works but it does!”
Natalie Lisiewicz
“Overall happy with product, need to use with a bandage. Very happy with the product. The only recommendation is to inform owners to use a light stable bandage with it. After often finding the product had fallen out of its holder I was informed by ArcEquine to use a light leg bandage to hold in place, this would have saved some initial frustration.”
Wish I had bought one sooner
“Had been thinking of purchasing a unit for some time and went ahead when there was an offer for refurbished units. So pleased I finally did and only wished I had bought one sooner. I don't think there has been a day since it arrived when the unit hasn't been in use. Used for several little niggly injuries with great results. Has also been used by my husband for an old injury that has developed severe arthritis - he was extremely sceptical but he is now back to how he was several years ago, with much reduced medication and he swears by it. I may need to buy another one!”
Miriam Butler
“I have 2 ArcEquine units and I cannot praise this company or devices enough. WoodyI loves it! I have been following the ArcEquine for over a year and have always been intrigued by it and the reviews I have read. I can quite simply say I do not understand the technology of it but having saved up and purchased one in the 2019 Black Friday sale I can safely say I love it. I have a 10 year old mare who suffered intermittent lameness in spring 2019. Having had full x-rays and bone scans resulting in a hefty insurance claim the vet diagnosed enlarged vertebra in her lower neck believed to have been caused by a fall in the yard. The vet warned that she might never jump again. She was given the prescribed bute and rest period then brought slowly back into work. I thought her length of stride felt greatly improved but still had the feeling that she was slightly 'proppy' on the turns but not lame. 6 weeks into her return to work I started using the ArcEquine. Within a week her stride was noticeably longer, no propping on the turns and she honestly felt like she was floating along. She has continued to go from strength to strength and started jumping just after Christmas. She has completed her 6 week course and currently has the Arc on weekly mainly after jumping session. Her movement now feels the best it ever has in the 2.5 years I have owned her.Following the difference it made on her I have started using it on my 18 year old jumping pony who had no apparent issues but again 3 weeks into his 6 week course he is more elastic in his jump and less stiff to have his back feet picked out. I have also started using it on my rising 4 year old ready for when he starts full work in the spring and to see if it has any effect on a wart he has. I now feel it is valuable part of keeping my horses & ponies at their best and most comfortable. I wouldn't be without it.”
Sue Zoltner-Forbes
“I want to share some kind of amazing news... I am a huge believer in the Arc, ever since a vet recommended it for my then 3.5 year old gelding who had both front SDFT tendons that were larger than normal and a scan showed they had some scar tissue and were not coping with his work. Within two weeks of wearing the arc every day he had normal size tendons and has been going strong ever since, in fact he ended up ranked number one in the province in preliminary dressage and is probably headed for number one in novice as well this year. Anyway I bought a second arc for myself and my husband because I used to have a sore back and he had knee arthritis and it cured my back and his knee pain is reduced to a level he never thought possible. A few months ago my 74 year old mom who lives in the USA called and said she was afraid she was getting Parkinson’s Disease because she had a tremor develop and was having trouble writing and was also moving slower. I googled microcurrents and Parkinsons and found some evidence that some doctors are using microcurrents to treat Parkinsons so I bought her an ArcEquine too ( they cant ship arc4health to the USA and my great experiences were all with ArcEquine so I went with that). She just called me and said that she’s finally wearing it consistently and her tremors have gone away! I am just ecstatic, what a wonderful product! And she’s never slept better in her life she said! Thank you ArcEquine!”
Elizabeth Leech
So far so good!
“I bought the arc for a tendon injury and decided to invest as it can be used on all my horses as a maintenance tool. The machine is very easy to use, but seems a little sensitive in this cold weather, it can take a while to work And turn on. We have been using the unit daily but are still in the early stages of rehab but scans show things are heading in the right direction so fingers crossed. It’s easy to use and the horses are unaware of it.”
Angela Carol Dalmas
“I bought the ArcEquine in desperation after my horse had a check ligament injury. It is absolutely brilliant. I really do not think that my horse would have recovered as quickly without it. The programs and application are easy and understandable. I now turn him out a couple of times a week in a paddock and I am able to ride him again although he is not yet back to full workload which to be honest is only leisure riding. The days he is stabled I use the arc on the 3 hour program. I have also noticed that he is less stiff overhaul when boxed if I use the ArcEquine. A must buy in my opinion.”
“I've had my ArcEquine since July due to my 28year old mare damaging her suspensory ligament (very high up behind her knee) she was very lame on 4 bute, 30 paracetamol a day as well as Fynadine paste when needed. Vet told me 6 months box rest :( Well I can truly say that the Arc has made a massive difference I got her off all her pain killers 3 weeks ago and she is now back in the paddock enjoying life!!! She is so much brighter which is lovely to see”
Sara Ashcroft
Excellent product with good customer service
“This unit is a really useful addition to any yard to help ensure their horses soundness. The team at ArcEquine are very helpful in responding to any queries and offer advice where appropriate.”
“Bought this to help my horse with arthritis, just finished the initial 6 week course and I believe it has improved already. Easy to use and the customer service is excellent, very helpful with any questions I had etc”
Marianne Speirs
“Bought it for a horse with constantly recurring lymphangitis. Attacks were frequent I have followed the programme and so far so good the ArcEquine has nearly paid for itself as it has saved on vet bills
Karen Lynn
“Our point to pointer broke down in May and been using the ArcEquine for his recovery. Vet told us at the time it was very badly damaged and not to expect too much. Scanned him at 9 weeks and vet could not believe the improvement. I have been using other healing methods too but think the arc equine has played a huge part in his recovery.”
Diana James
Proactive management of an older horse
“As I have an older horse (17) that is still competing SJ I thought I would invest in an ArcEquine to keep on top of niggles. After a few weeks I could definitely feel that his way of going was improved and also he loves it! He's a sharp horse but when he sees the device he starts licking and chewing and then falls half asleep while its's on. Customer service has been amazing and I can't fault the device or the Arc team.”
Andrea Rawley
“My horse has just had surgery for an angular ligament cut and a tear in his manicure tendon sheath I have been using the arc before and after surgery obviously I don’t know yet the outcome until he has his re assessment in July but I’m hoping that by using the arc it has helped his recovery.”
“My horse was diagnosed with PSD in both hinds last year. I feel the arc has really helped during his recovery and in general I feel he is a much more comfortable, happy horse. Would highly recommend”
Heather Krebs
Best product I have purchased all year
“My 20 year old grand prix horse had minor lameness that vets could not find after ultra sounds, x-rays, injections - nothing worked. Vets decided that we should do stifle surgery (ouch big money) I had already spent thousands on vet bills that did not work, so what was another $500, my tack store Horse Crazy recommended the product and swears by it for people, strange enough other people I know use it on themselves with great success. My success story is this - horse has been lame and unable to work for a year, when we did work him it was obvious he was uncomfortable, dragging back foot and lolling tongue. After a couple days with Arc Equine horse was no longer lame (dont know how or why - and I dont care) It works! I have been using the unit for a month and a half and this horse has been sound every time we take him out. I did go on holiday and horse didnt get treatment, when I arrived home and first ride out horse lolling tongue again, I put the unit back on and the next day no problems with tongue. I AM A BELIEVER!! If you are on the fence about rather to buy one of these units or not, I would tell you I have saved over $500 in vet bills alone and finally have a sound happy horse.”
Alexis Wylie
Arc Equine the calm restorer!
“We got our ArcEquine just after Christmas. It's easy peasy to use & we hoped it would help him travelling after a scare recently. We use it on his near fore. Leno also loves it after a strong workout. Or even a treat on a damp miserable day. Today we took him to the gallops and settled him afterwards with his Arc back home. With the BE OuN18 season about to start we're feeling confident with our Arc on board this year. Great after sales too after hiccup with device..... Instantly replaced.”
Wyn Morris
“I can't believe how wonderful the Arc is!!! & why I hadn't heard of it before, I've got 26 horses in work ranging from sales prep to point to pointers & eventers to show horses/ponies so far we have used the arc on tendon injury, capped hock , a horse that had a bad fall racing etc & its proved to be a valuable piece of kit (saving me a lot of money with the vets) I'm so impressed with it I bought two & would highly recommend arc equine to everyone.”
Tina Patchcott
“My horse was diagnosed with bilateral hindlimb PSD in November. Along with box rest and shockwave, I bought the ArcEquine after seeing other people great results. My vet has been very pleased with her progress. January sound and brought back into ridden work. Taking it slow but still use the unit every day. It certainly hasn't done any harm and I have recommended it to a friend already. It is easy to use and if it can help the healing process, why not! Looking forward to seeing her scans to 'see' the difference! Going to save up for the human version for myself!”
Emma Wells
Highly recommend
“Bought the Arc Equine originally for my 30 year old pony with arthritis but day after it arrived my daughters showjumper pulled a shoe off in the field and cane in lame with swollen foreleg. We used full programme on him but swelling and lameness gone within 3 days, brought back into work after a week, I really believe Arc contributed to speedy recovery. Just started using on arthritis pony and I can honestly say after 5 days he seems brighter in himself and a lot happier in field than he has over the last year, walking out better and he looks better in himself.”
Love my Arc
“ArcEquine customer service is very helpful and the unit works even better than I would have thought possible. I rave about it to all my friends and wish I had a second unit to lend out for trials to all those who ask.”
Lynda Smith
“My lovely horse had a year on box rest following Cushing related laminitis and pedal bone rotations in both front feet, which were very close to the sole. I bought the arch in the Black Friday deal, and my lovely mare is back into light work and feels amazing, I’ve no doubt the Arc is helping her recover, I also am seeing changes in her sarcoid! Thank you so much”
Wendy Chaplin
Operated Tendons
“Bought this piece of equipment in the Black Friday sale. We have been using this on my mare who has undergone two major tendon operations after finishing on a high eventing last year. The arc has aided her in her speedy recovery, she had been on approx. 6 months box rest when we started using it and the vet is very happy with her recovery so I can only presume that the arc equine has aided her. She has now had the green light given for us to start light walking work and had been put on a 12 week programme, of which we will continue to use the arc all the way through and beyond the 12 weeks. Thank you so much for giving us hope. x x x”
Maddi Burchell
“This piece of equipment is excellent!! I’ve had an arc unit since they first started and they have always produced amazing results. My husband was so impressed with the results on my horses that he got a unit for him!”
“Bought the ArcEquine after 6 months of on and off lameness of my cob. First he had a hock issue (probably slight arthritis) and then he pulled his annular ligament in his fetlock. Tried to give him time off and bringing him slowly back into work but after a few weeks he would go lame again and the leg would be swollen again. I have been using the ArcEquine now for over a month and he is completely sound. Before even in his sound phases, he was always 1/10 lame. Of course I don't know if everything has to do with the ArcEquine but I have been trying a long time and he feels and looks so much better, so I definitely would say it’s worth it!”
Helen Jones
“I bought the ArcEquine to help my pony who had damaged his collateral ligament. He had 10 months off and still wasn’t quite sound. I have to the say the Arc does seem to have helped him get back to full fitness. He is loving life again and behaving like a 5 year old (he is 13!). Also, he has had an issue with his sheath for the last 4 years. It gets inflamed and infected right at the top which is a nightmare to treat. Having spent a fortune on vets and treatments trying to sort this out, I have noticed that since using the Arc, it is much less angry and 7 weeks in I am really hopeful that we can cure it altogether. Will let you know! I have since bought the Arc4health which has helped my son with an Achilles injury. Customer service is also fantastic. Your staff are very knowledgeable and helpful. Thank you.”
Glynis Cooper
“I purchased the arc when my horse tore a tendon about 3 years ago and used it for 6 months during his rehab. I was delighted when my vet signed him off and said if he hadn't seen the ultrasound scans he would never have known there had been a tendon problem. Last year I lent the arc to a friend whose horse had developed a sarcoid between his thighs so high up the vets agreed it would not be possible for it to be removed and the wound to heal. His only hope was the arc and it worked wonders. Within a few weeks the sarcoid dropped off and to our vets amazement the wound healed within 10 days. Since then he has had another sarcoid which also dropped off. To round off an incredible year he qualified for HOYS in the SEIB Search for a Star Show Hunter class and has now been selected to go to the SEIB Your Horse Live Showing Championship in November. I couldn't recommend the arc equine more highly.”
Adele Etheridge
“I brought the ArcEquine because my horse was diagnosed with PSD. Not knowing a lot about the Arc, I researched and asked people for their opinion. No excellent recommendations I brought one. If you know anything about PSD the outcome is not favourable for a dressage horse. Well I have just had the 12 week scan and I am happy to say that the Arc has done its job and I am allowed to ride him again!!!! Still a long way to go but thanks to ArcEquine I still have my boy.”
Ros Bayfield
“One horse, 12 years old, has an arthritic hock resulting from a kick when he was 2-3 years old. His performance dropped over the summer, possibly due to the hard ground, and he did not seem his usual happy, willing self. After about 4 weeks of use he returned to his happy self, and his movement is more even. The other horse was on recuperation after a flare up of hind suspensory ligament, following severe injury to it 3+ years ago. Initially he became very listless, dull-eyed and introverted and not his cheeky self. He is sound again now and his movement much improved. And finally, I have my happy chappy back again”
Soft tissue injury
“My horse had been lame for 4 months with a soft tissue injury in his left fore. My vet was concerned that there had been no progress at all and he had in fact got worse with heart bar shoes on. I came across Arc Equine at Gatcombe and given how bleak it was looking, I figured that it was worth a try. Best decision that I could have made. Within 2 weeks, he had gone from 7/10 lame to sound. I have continued to use the unit to support his recovery as I bring him back in to work. He is now trotting laps of the arena and has remained sound. Couldn't recommend it more. I call it the 'little magic box'.”
Phillipa Selwood
Wouldn’t be without it now!
“I purchased an arc equine on several recommendations after my horse had torn her manica flexoria ligament and had to have it removed, as well as having a small high suspensory injury. She’s had a total of 3 months box rest and her legs have always swelled when stood in a stable for too long, but after using the arc after the first week her legs stopped swelling and she seemed very comfortable. She trotted up perfectly sound last week and will be starting her ridden rehab next week, the vets are really pleased with how well everything has healed and are very positive she will return to full work. I wouldn’t be without the arc now and will certainly be using it for maintenance and any future injuries.”
Sharon Webb
“Amazing piece of equipment, my horse loves having it on, it is easy to use too.”
Bianca Seward-Morris
“Amazing product for healing as well as maintenance/prevention! It has been a total game changer for me, I literally Wouldn’t be without one now! Knowledgeable and helpful team as well, would 100% recommend!”
Amy B
Amazing, Love it.
“Used as a last resort on my chap who had been written off by the vet, he had Ks, bone spavin, pedal bone changes and a massive torn tendon. He recovered from all very well to my vets amazement. Everyone very helpful at the end of the phone too, planning personal programs to use and ready to answer any questions. I wouldn't be without my ArcEquine now and it's part of my daily routine.”
Miranda Filmer
“A truly revolutionary product whose results speak for themselves! Easy to use and hassle free, it is effective on a huge range of issues.”
Helen Martin
“A fantastic piece of kit to invest in for the yard. We have used it on several horses with great results. I highly recommend.”
Holly Davis
Excellent product
“It was advised that my horse had his annular ligament on which was hugely enlarged. I didn't feel surgery was in his best interests, so instead he was turned out wearing his ArcEquine. As he was kept at home he was able to wear it 14 hours a day. After six months, his ligament was back to its normal size.”
Fran Groves
“A truly wonderful product - can correct so many 'imbalances' in the body (be it human, equine or canine). Soon pays for itself. The company appears very ethical and forward-thinking as well as helpful on a one-to-one basis. I recommend Arc Equine without reservation.”
Sara Cottrell
“Fab piece of kit. Easy to use, effective, and backed by science. Highly recommend.”
Sarah-Jane Brown
Fabulous kit
“I have used ArcEquine for a number of years now and would thoroughly recommend it. It has been invaluable in helping healing in injuries as well as used as part of my maintenance and recovery routines. I have also used the technology on myself and the dogs with success. My unit is in constant use to the extent I am debating investing in another!”
Victoria Smart
“We have six ArcEquine units and use them extensively on the racehorses and my daughter's show jumpers. We have also benefited from the technology on a personal level and have found Arc particularly useful following an acute injury or trauma and as part of a recovery programme for both humans and horses. My daughter says she would not be without the ArcEquine on competition day using it on her horses pre and post-performance and then she takes it home to use on herself in the evening. The Arc team are always on hand to offer support and advice which is extremely important especially when we are treating an unusual or complex condition and recommend them to anybody who is considering purchasing a unit.”
Jo Ellis-Jones
“I have used the ArcEquine on my horses (and myself) for various injuries and always found it really helpful at speeding up the healing process. I've used it on the horses for a ligament injury, general sprains causing mild lameness, back and neck issues and for general maintenance. It's a great piece of kit and I wouldn't be without it!”
Jon Lea
Brilliant bit of kit
“Been using the arc on my pony to help treat her laminitis , it has helped tremendously with the recommendations of the company and help they give I would recommend to anybody it’s also helped calm Bumble down she is defiantly more relaxed!”