Available in packs of 4, 10 and 72

More Wine More Often

Open 2, 3 or even 4 bottles of your favourite wines and enjoy a glass anytime without worrying that your wine is going to spoil over weeks or even months. Repour, Retaste, Relax!

  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Most effective wine preserver on the market.
  • Sommelier endorsed.
  • Recycleable.
  • Never serve or drink spoiled wine again.

The Science of Repour

The science behind Repour is simple. By putting our oxygen-absorbing material in the Repour stopper, we are able to continuously remove the oxygen from the air above the wine in the bottle, and from the wine itself, bringing the level of oxygen in the air down below 0.05% and the dissolved oxygen in the wine to less than 0.03 ppm (that's pretty much removing ALL the oxygen)! By removing all the oxygen, we completely STOP the wine degradation process. Other wine preservation products, such as wine pumps and wine vacuum pumps, use air displacement, which reduces the oxygen, but doesn't eliminate it. That is why these other products only keep your wine fresh for a few more days. With Repour, the next time you want to enjoy your wine, whether it is days, week, or even months later, it will be so fresh you may even want to let it "open up" again. We say cheers again and again to that!

Instead of throwing out a bottle of wine that has gone bad, or messing with complex, expensive, and not so effective contraptions, simply insert the wine "stopper" in place of the bottle's original cork, and preserve the wine for the life of the opened bottle. Your favorite wine, simply saved and perfectly preserved.

Endorsed by the Masters

Kevin Vogt

Master Sommelier (MS) and Owner of Wine Country Connections (wine shop and tastings), Yountville, CA

We pour over 70 wines by the taste and by the glass in our wine shop and tasting room in Yountville.  Before using Repour, we were wasting quite a bit of wine.  The Coravin is not optimized for pouring two ounce pours over a long period of time, so when bottles would get below 1/2 full, they would start to oxidize and we would have to use them quickly or lose them.  Since we started using Repour in July, our lost wine on bottles we use a Repour on have dropped to nearly zero.  Thanks for creating such a brilliant product.

Will Costello

Master Sommelier (MS) and Estates Ambassador, Bien Nacido and Solomon Hills Estate Wines

After 6 weeks of testing Repour on a number of different wines, and using the skills I have learned over my career as a Master Sommelier, I can say Repour is one of the most astonishing products I have seen in over 10 years. I use the word astonishing exactly to its definition; “extremely surprising or impressive; amazing.

I tested Repour on 10 Year old White wines, fresh Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Torrontes, Red Burgundy, Old Bordeaux…you name it. And, every one of them stood up to the test. The most amazing part is, the wines are so fresh after the second and third pour, they actually need to breathe again. It’s like the Benjamin Button of Wines; They get younger and fresher each pour.”

I worked at a restaurant for most of my career, which was open 5 days per week, and we had 22 wines by the glass. Each Saturday those bottles would be emptied as the wine just wouldn’t hold up over the weekend. We poured hundreds of dollars down the drain every week. With Coravin, the capsules were too costly and the service was clunky. Repour solves each of these problems easily. Repour will literally revolutionize a Wine By The Glass program and save wineries hundreds of dollars per year in lost product. Imagine every restaurant or winery with a “slow day” of the week or even a mid-week closure, being able to preserve all of their open bottles, and come back later to wine that is even fresher than the day it was opened.

From my professional standpoint as Estates Ambassador for Bien Nacido and Solomon Hills Estates, I open expensive wines every week. I always have 5 bottles open and I often have plenty of wine leftover. I end up opening a set of bottles each successive day, because I want our wines to show as perfectly as intended. Repour gives me the chance to preserve the wine overnight and into the following days, saving hundreds of dollars on sample costs over a week. And for pennies. I could see this revolutionizing the way fine wine is presented in the market.

I am so excited, that I have started to tell everyone I know in the wine industry about Repour. If a friend mentions they use a Coravin System, I tell them to switch to Repour. If they pour an exclusive wine at tastings, I tell them to get Repour. If they have a special bottle of wine at home, but don’t want to waste it by only drinking half, I tell them to get Repour. They will never go back, I promise.

I did the following processes to find these results.

  1. I opened fresh bottles and poured approx. 3.5-4 oz out of each bottle. I immediately resealed the bottles with a repour, and placed it in my wine fridge standing up. I repeated this weekly and kept track of all dates on the bottle. I repeated until the last pour was gone. This means I opened the bottle a total of 7 times. I tested the following bottles fresh: 2006 Fevre Montee de Tonnere, 2013 Brewer Clifton 3D Pinot, 2014 Topa Mountain Bien Nacido Chardonnay, 1982 Ch. Figeac, Canvasback Cabernet 2012 MAGNUM, 2012 Seghesio Home Ranch Zinfandel and 2010 Damilano Barolo.
  2. I used repour on bottles which were opened for 24-36 hours and had approx. half of the wine gone. 2012 Bien Nacido Syrah, 2012 Bien Nacido Pinot, 2014 Solomon Hills Chardonnay (used after a sales trip when the wines were open and tasted all day).

In every single instance, the wine not only tasted exceptional the second, third and fourth time etc, but it tasted "fresher" than the day it was opened. Sometimes, in the instance of the Topa Mountain, a relatively low alcohol Chardonnay with little oak, it had to open up again because it was so fresh.

I can see the value of repour in so many instances. BTG programs with high end wines, tasting menus, Chef's Tables, Distributors and samples, Suppliers and Samples, Tasting Rooms, Concert Venues, Catering, Consumers.

I know for one I am going to use them on every single sales trip I go on. I can cut my samples in half, if not by a third, and save our winery cases of wine and hundreds of dollars a year. And for only pennies to the dollar per repour. The fact that even when the bottles have been opened for a whole day, they still work was the kicker for me.

Michael Meagher

Master Sommelier (MS) and Principal, Sommelier On-Demand Hospitality Services

Everyone with restaurant experience knows the sad sorry of a great bottle of wine being opened for a glass pour, then it gets sent to the purgatory of hanging around the backbar, going unsold for a few days. Until one day the cork is pulled and sadly the remains of that bottle have to be poured down the drain, or sent to the kitchen for cooking, as it's just a shadow of the greatness that it once was. The fact that Repour brings spoilage down to nearly nil, in and of itself is a really big deal.

But I think that the real, irreparable damage comes when that three day old wine doesn't get dumped, instead it finds its way into a glass and frightenly sent a guest's table. That guest sniffs, sips, and quietly thinks that "huh, that doesn't taste good to me" or even worse "wow, this is a bad glass of wine." At that point, that glass does more harm to a restaurant in terms of reputation, experience, and trust, than the financial hit of spoilage.

I've worked on and advised dozens of restaurant teams in my career and a strong, reliable BTG program is critical to the long-term survival of an establishment. This is where Repour shows its true value to me. No longer does a restaurateur or manager have to worry about that oxidized glass of wine being served, as every glass preserved under a Repour stopper is as fresh as if the bottle were opened just moments before.

Until now, I've never been able to recommend a reliable and truly economical option for wine preservation that can be used by service teams of all ability levels. Simple, inexpensive, yet clearly effective, Repour is an elegant solution to a costly problem.