A Friend Fit for You
Cue is an incredibly clever robot with a witty attitude that’s full of interactive surprises. Choose from four free unique avatars to customize Cue with a personality that’s right for you. The more you explore, the more you’ll discover what cue can do.
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Customise Cue
Choose from four free unique hero avatars that each have an amazing depth of personality, expressions, and interactions.
Meet Charge
Brave, compassionate.
Loves strategy sessions and haikus.
Customise Cue
Choose from four free unique hero avatars that each have an amazing depth of personality, expressions, and interactions.
Meet Zest
Tackles problems with sophistication and style.
Smooth talker who stays poised under pressure.
Customise Cue
Choose from four free unique hero avatars that each have an amazing depth of personality, expressions, and interactions.
Meet Smirk
Wisecracking instigator with plenty of charm.
Loves to game the system for a good cause.
Customise Cue
Choose from four free unique hero avatars that each have an amazing depth of personality, expressions, and interactions.
Meet Pep
Thoughtful, geeky adventurer.
Boundless enthusiasm for learning new things.
Adventure Together
The Cue app connects you to Cue and the more you hangout, the more you'll discover. Taunt each other with hilarious texts, code adventures, or race through tight turns with cue taking the wheel.
Send and receive text messages to discover each avatar’s personality. Snappy answers, crazy memes, and jokes will keep you coming back for more.
Push the limits of Cue in this freestyle mode by grouping commands and sensor input to create lifelike behaviors.
Activate Cue’s Emotive AI with auto modes (seek, avoid, and explore) to navigate tight corners, surprise friends, or show off cue’s magical moves.
Unlock your coding potential by choosing the skill level that’s right for you. Easily toggle between block and JavaScript programming to challenge your imagination with cue.