The next generation performance and fitness monitoring equipment for you and your horse. CEEFIT simply clips onto the girth for easy daily use in your training.
Redesign your training through digital measurement and analysis.
Riding is a sport in which your progress is mainly perceived through gut feeling, your instructor, or judges. You train both sides of your horse equally – but do you know that you really are for sure?
From now on you know because the CEEFIT tells you how much time you‘ve ridden on which rein, so that you can use this information to adjust your further training. The CEEFIT fitness tracker, CEEFIT Pulse & ECG Electrode girth, and Seaver app collect and analyze your horse‘s movements and health during your ride. Monitor your horse‘s training status, analyze its training progress and provide optimal support to achieve your goals.
Measure the effort of your horse over jumps and gain in efficiency
For each course
Time・Average cadence・Average speed・Average cardio・Number of jumping courses performed
For each jump
Height・Reach & dish・Angle of attack・Cadence in approach・Push・Take off speed・Shift in jump・Energy absorbed at landing・Hind limbs push symmetry
Turn your trail rides into real training sessions
Outdoor track
Track your trail rides by combining
• Gait allocation • Cardio effort zones • Speed
Set goals and achieve them with our riding exercises designed by professional riders.
Data and video integration
This feature allows you to integrate the data collected by your Seaver product into a video of your jumping course. Thanks to this method, you get a better visualization of your performance for you to identify areas for improvement.
Follow your horse's performance in real time
Available on your SmartWatch*, you can now start and stop your training session, follow the data of your choice such as heart rate, stress level or trot symmetry. Receive personalized alerts to better balance and adapt your training sessions in real-time.
*Apple & Samsung
Rider's heart rate
Monitor your own heart rate
Work symmetrically by monitoring the distribution of your training at each lead.
Split timing
Split your training with the integrated timer.
Immediately balance the gait allocation during your session.
Find out the exact speed of your horse
Trot asymmetry
Assess the symmetry of your horse's trot and be aware of any discomfort
Heart rate of the horse
Monitor your horse's heart rate during your session.
Stress level
Assess your horse's stress level and adapt your session
Understand your horse's recovery capabilities
Effort zones
Find out how much time has been spent in each zone since the beginning of your session.
Last jump
Evaluate the quality of your last jump with height, amplitude and shift data
Your data in real time
Excessive heart rate
Your horse's heart rate exceeds the maximum threshold
Readjust the current session
End of recovery
Your horse recovered well from his effort
Stay informed of his physical condition
Unsatisfactory trot symmetry
The quality of your horse's gait has decreased
Anticipate a possible lameness
Imbalance left lead/right lead
You favor one lead over the other
Rebalance your work
Limit to 20 jumps
You have made more than 20 jumps
Adapt your session
Trot asymmetry
Your horse has a deterioration of the hind limbs push symmetry
Watch for weak hind limb
Stress level
Your horse's stress level is too high
Reassure him
Speed over 400m/min
Your speed is over 400 m/min
Control your speed over time
Personalised alerts
Do you want to improve you and your horse's performance? CEEFIT is available for rental for those who want to try before you buy. Please use the contact form below and we will be in touch.
CEEFIT Rental Enquiry
You've been waiting for it, here it is at last: our new "Progression" feature for your horse is available on theSeaver application. After a lot of thought and testing by the team, it is a complete and readable feature that we are offering on the app. It will allow you to better monitor your horse's performance and health.
To access your horse's progress today, download the Seaver app or update it here. Finally, read the rest of this article for full details on the feature. Enjoy reading!
New functionality, new design for the application
The introduction of the new "Progression" feature has involved a new configuration of the app. When you log in to your account, you are taken to the page where all your workouts are listed as before. This is the navigation bar at the bottom of your screen has changed. Browse it to find out the profile of your horses, to start a workout or an ECG, our exercise catalogue, or to access the drop-down menu on the left of your screen.
To access this design and functionality, you need to update the app via the usual stores.
Finally, to find your horse's progress, click on the horse icon on the navigation bar. The progress of your horse is located in its profileIt's as simple as that. It's more practical and clearer!
Your horse's profile now enriched with progress data
The presentation of your horse
Welcome to your horse's new profile! Click on "Settings". As usual, you will find all the information about your horse and its physical parameters.
It is in this same place that you can see with whom their profile is shared half-board, coach, vet...
NEW : The objective of the week to be defined
The first new feature here is that you can set a goal in calories burned. You will automatically follow it for the current week.
Choose its intensity between light, medium and high. The app will tell you where you are in the week. This is very useful for know the intensity of the work done in a week and adjust if necessary.
NEW : Observe the evolution of Seaver parameters
Scroll down the page of your horse. You will see the evolution of the locomotion parameters. The symmetry in the trot, the distribution right hand/left hand, the time spent at each gait, the bounce and the cadence of your horse.
Here you get the average trotting symmetry of your horse over the last 20 sessions. The symmetry of your last session is also shown. For even more precision, the scatter plot not only shows you the trend of the symmetry over your last 20 sessions, but also whether your horse maintains a symmetry within the norm(between 47 and 53%).
The direction tab shows you whether you have worked more on right or left hand. This gives you the average time spent on each hand over your last 20 sessions and the data from your last session. The bar graph summarising the last 20 sessions, below, is ideal for finding out the trend of the hand that has been worked the most or left out.
It is important tobalancing two-handed work to avoid creating muscle tension on one side more than the other.
Have you ever noticed that we often spend much more time on the walk during show jumping sessions than during flat sessions? Well, this tab will help you to draw that conclusion!
Following the same pattern, you will have the average time spent on each pace over your last 20 sessions and the data from your last session. The chart allows you to see what percentage of work at each pace was done over the last 20 workouts.
Find here the average rebound at each pace of your last sessions and the data of your last session.
The analysis of your horse's bounce curve allows you to see if the gait has improved or deteriorated. the quality of its gait has deteriorated, or on the contrary improved during the last training sessions.
The last locomotion parameter to be scrutinised is the cadence, or the number of strides per minute at each gait of your horse. You have the average cadence at each gait of your last 20 sessions and the raw data of the latest session.
The curve below allows you to follow the evolution of your horse's walk, trot and canter cadence and to situate it within a range of normal cadence data.
Work on your lunges in one session and see if your average cadence exceeds that of the other sessions. You can then Evaluate the quality of your lunges by ensuring that your horse does not rush.
Want to know if the your horse's heart rate is improving ? Take a look at this tab, it can help you.
Read here the average heart rate of your last 20 training sessions and the raw data of the last training session. The diagram gives you the heart rate in bpm of your horse over your last 20 training sessions. And this for each gait (raw and average values).
Same pattern : average number of calories burned in the last few sessions and calories burned in your last workout. The diagram represents the number of calories burned over your previous 20 sessions.
Understand the evolution of the calories burned by comparing them to the physical condition of your horse. Use the calories burned to get an overview of your horse's performance. the intensity of the sessions
The start of competition is approaching and your horse has put on weight? Use this parameter to get your horse back in shape.
The stress tab gives you the percentage of stress calculated over your last 20 sessions and on the last one. The diagram gives you information on the evolution of this parameter over the last 20 sessions and distinguishes low, medium and high stress.
Use this chart to provide long-term serenity for your horse in the long term.
How long does it take my horse on average to Recover from his efforts ? How long did it take my horse to recover from his effort during my last training session? This tab allows you to answer these questions.
In addition, the diagram allows you to determine the recovery time of your horse during your last 20 sessions.
Optimise thephysiological efficiency of your horse and watch it improve!
In the "Jumping" tab, you can first access the average number of jumps made per month. In addition, you can see the number of jumps made last month. The graph below summarises the number of jumps made in the last month. number of jumps over the 12 months of the year.
Then, in the "Offset" section, you have access to the total number of jumps performed per month on averagenumber of right jumps and the number of jumps made with a left or right offset. Same for the last month.
The curve below gives you a comparison by month between the number of jumps made with a lag and those made straight.
Work on straightness at the obstacle and maximise your chances of making clear rounds. With precise data on the last 20 sessions, you will be able to see with figures the improvement of your approaches.
Finally, the "speed" section will tell you more about the the pace you have on your jumping courses. Thus, you have the average speed adopted on your last 20 courses, the speed of the last course and the gross speed of the courses of your last 20 training sessions displayed as a graph.
To understand the evolution of your work
Depending on our sporting objectives, we look for different things in our horses. For to know if your horse is evolving in the right direction and if your work is bearing fruitThe Progression feature will be very useful for you.
You can then compare your sessions with each other in order to analyse what was done better or worse. You can then better understand the direct effects of each of your workouts. This gives you areas for improvement This gives you guidelines for your work, and therefore for improving your horse's performance.
I have noticed that I do not balance my horse's two-handed work enough. This does not ensure his good muscular balance and I have to pay attention to this.
As a dressage rider, I try to have a horse with as much bounce as possible. I have been working a lot on the ground bars lately. If my bounce has increased compared to a few weeks ago, my training has been effective.
By analysing the evolution of my horse's recovery, I can see if its physical condition is improvingand therefore if it is in line with our sporting objectives.
My horse is shifting more and more on the jumps during our sessions. Is this a hindrance or a positional problem on my part? You'd have to compare when someone else is riding him to be sure.
To monitor your horse's health
The limbs of horses are very sensitive. They are therefore all likely to experience lameness during their lives. Whether a sport or leisure horse, it is therefore essential to prevent lameness as much as possible in order to find the cause before it occurs.
The Progression feature allows you to notice deteriorations in your horse's gaits and therefore anticipate the onset of lameness. Once this analysis is complete, you can then contact the horse health specialist who is most likely to find the cause of the lameness. The most common lameness is due to limb, tooth or back problems.
If your horse is recovering from an injury and is facing a new injury, the Progression can also be useful. period of rehabilitationProgression can also be useful. You can use it to monitor the evolution of the working time for each gait. Or to check that your horse's condition is not deteriorating again. Finally, it also allows you to see the the starting point in rehabilitation and the ending point at the end of rehabilitation.
After seeing the osteopath, is my horse's trot symmetry improving? If yes the treatment was effective, if no
When my goal is toimprove my horse's cardio, I need to increase my horse's trot and canter work gradually. So I have to pay attention to the time spent at each gait.
If my horse has a sudden drop in symmetry and bounce, it would be worth resting him. He should also be seen by a health specialist to detect the origin of the discomfort.
I have moved my horse from one stable to another and he has been very stressed since then, so I have taken a course of anti-stress supplements. To find out if the treatment was effective, I am analysing my horse's stress curve between the beginning and end of the treatment.
In order to access the Progression feature, you must first collect data. And to collect this data, you need a CEEFIT Pulse + ECG. CEEFIT or a combination of CEEFIT and CEEFIT Pulse + ECG. These tools will be of great help to you to see the evolution of your horse on all the points we have raised previously.
Finally, the new Progression feature of the Seaver application will allow you to clearly see the evolution of more than ten parameters of your horse's locomotion, cardio and jumps.
This allows you to better understand the development of your horse over time, the quality of your work and the state of health of your horse throughout the year.