Hands-On Coding

Children can help Qobo to find the gem through creating different paths by using the 30 programming cards.

Game Map

You also get a booklet with 15 training lessons and challenges, as well as a map to guide Qobo while using Free Mode.

Endless Fun with Touchable Programming

Future Explorer Starter Kit

Designed to introduce and encourage coding learning. Qobo provides hands-on interaction through play and  promotes proactive problem solving and independent thinking.


Besides supporting Puzzle-card coding, Qobo robot can be coded by QOBO software as well which is Scrach-Junior based. Connecting Qobo with PC by the cable in the box simply, you can enjoy a new journey of PC coding.


Besides the global map inside the package, we also provide different kinds of maps for downloading and printing to enrich learners journeys of discovery. These maps include Sea world, Dinosaur Park and Planet Journey